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Welcome to Grown Up Permaculture! The Purpose of the Forum:Grown Up Permaculture forum is a place for discussion related to Gardening and Permaculture within an Urban/Suburban setting: Tools, techniques, material culture. Some members hold strictly to using only full organic principles while others may employ a variety of technologies to fulfill their garden plans. Remember that all of us are on different paths on this journey, and for different reasons. Just like our diversity in languages, religion, political alignment, etc.THE FORUM RULES:We operate on a 2 Rule System - No Religious Debate & No Political Debate. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior. It may sound crazy in light of the litany of rules on other internet forums, but believe it or not, it works. It works because 90% of people are cool enough to do the right thing (the remaining 10% don't last long for one reason or another).The 2 Rule System seems simple, but it can be a little confusing at times. We define "Religion" and "Politics" rather broadly. I'm not even going to try to define these areas, because of the difficulty in doing so. But to give an example, the popular debate between science and religion (the origin of life, evolution versus creationism, etc.) are topics that are well out of bounds. The "Political" disputes centering on Heirlooms versus Hybrids/GMOs are similarly out of bounds.On occasion, well meaning folks cross over into these areas. I ask that you always strive to give the other person the benefit of doubt. Don't go "calling them out" on the matter - screaming "foul!" Let me, or the administrators handle it. If you must do so, try to do it with respect - again, giving the other person the benefit of doubt.